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GoFigure Policy
GoFigure is an inclusive and sociable group of life drawing artists who have met most weeks since its inception by
Dave Miller in 2011 who died, sadly and unexpectedly in 2022. GoFigure activities are organised by the group, for
the benefit of the group.
Activities provide opportunities for untutored figure drawing and painting from a live model and they promote a
creative community of artists.
Activities fall into 2 categories - Life Art and Creative Community.
Life Art : -
• Regular weekly sessions, on Fridays mornings at Braithwaite Institute
• Irregular extended sessions, under the banner of PULP (Pop Up Life Penrith) presently taking place at weekends in Stainton Village Hall and alternative suitable venues in the future as required.
Creative community : -
• Weekly zoom meetings
• Exhibitions
Venues and Venue House Keeping
The present venues for GoFigure are Braithwaite Institute (weekly) and Stainton Village Hall (irregular Pop Ups) both venues have a suitable space for artists and models, a kitchen, can be heated. Parking is plentiful at Braithwaite but limited at Stainton.
Everybody involved in GoFigure is responsible for ensuring that it remains a safe place, free from discrimination, fear and where possible, risk of damage to property and event participants. The companionship of artists of a variety of experiences is encouraged, to provide mutual support. This facility for personal development, will be as personal as the individual artist may wish.
GoFigure is a not-for-profit group of artists. The only expenditure of group funds is in respect of the payment of models and general costs associated with venue hire.
Pre-paying Current/Regular Current GoFigure Artists attend as they wish.
Any Current GoFigure Artist wishing to bring a guest, needs to email to the GoFigure event organiser at “” to check if there is space available to accommodate a guest artists.
• The GoFigure organiser collects the fees from the pre-pay Current GoFigure Artists at the beginning of each 6 week cycle and from Regular Current GoFigure and guest artists at the start of the session
• GoFigure session fees are non-refundable
• The models are paid in cash on the day and are required to sign a form of receipt.
A list of models is held by the GoFigure organisers. Routinely 1 model is booked for each session generally by
email communication about 2-3 months in advance. The models maybe clothed or unclothed. They have the final
say on the poses and are given 5 mins rest in every 30mins. They are not involved in setting up or clearing the VH.
GoFigure seeks to follow RAM (Register of Artists' Models) guidelines. There is no photography of models.
Details GoFigure artists are held in an excel spread with names, addresses, email and telephone numbers
recorded. Communication is by email which facilitates record keeping. Prepaid fees once paid are non-refundable
with any excess being reinvested into GoFigure e.g. props, or for the benefit of Current GoFigure Artists.
Session Format
230201 CRMD
GoFigure Policy and workings
Information re the current and future session models and lead artists is displayed. There is no formal tutoring.
Artists attending are recorded each session. One or two artists, volunteers, to lead, setting the poses, timings and
organising any props at each session. The structure therefore varies depending on the artist or artists leading.
Artists are responsible for bringing and the safety of their own equipment. There is no provision for easels or
tables. As turpentine is both a health and fire risk oil painters are not permitted such solvents. Pastel fixative is
also a health risk users are required to fix their work outside the venue.
Session set up -
• GoFigure admin documents, Model fees, tape,
• Turn on radiators
• Display general information and booking
• Cover internal door windows as required
• Display Life session notice on hall main door
At the end of the day -
• Clear props, ensure tidy hall
• Remove rubbish to Flusco
• Turn radiators off in summer or to min/frost protect in winter
• Take down door window covers and life notice
Weekly session plan is usually based on the following format -
09.00 - 09.45am Set up time
09.45 - 10.45am Gestures/warm up poses
10.45 - 11.00am Coffee/Tea break
11.00 - 13.00pm Longer pose(s)
Extended Pop up session plan is usually based on the following format -
09.00 - 09.30am Arrival and set up
09.30 - 10.30am Short warm up poses
10.30 - 10.50am Break
10.50 - 12.30pm Long pose
12.30 - 13.15pm Lunch Break
13.15 - 14.15pm Long pose cont.......
14.15 - 14.30pm Break
14.30 - 15.15pm Long pose cont
15.15pm Session end
15.15 - 15.30pm Informal group review of work
15.30 - 16.00pm Clear up
16.00pm Vacate Village Hall
Props, these must be safe and any risk assessed
• Unfortunately there is little accommodation for props so they are limited
Props regularly used include -
• Electric heaters and extension cords
• Floor mats and plinth
• Pillows/paddings
• Sheets are used to cover chairs etc.
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